How Long Does It Take to Ship Goods from Mexico?

One of the elements that you must consider when shipping goods across country lines is how long the process will take. This is particularly important if you’re exporting or importing fresh food that has a time limit before it goes bad. Read ahead and see how long it takes to…

Breaking Language Barriers in International Business

Today you might encounter a language barrier anywhere you go. You need to be able to conquer that barrier in order to conduct your business and set up a deal, so you should be prepared whenever the time comes. Continue for tips on breaking language barriers in international business. Double…

What Are the Most Common Goods Imported from Mexico?

There have been talks of building a wall between the United States and Mexico for quite some time now, and many people forget how much we import from our neighbors to the south. From electronic gadgets to consumables like beer and tomatoes, a lot of things we depend on in…

What You Need to Know About INCOTERMS

When you’re shipping goods internationally, there are a few terms that you should recognize and understand. INCOTERMS are used in 31 different languages, and you can find them in sales contracts as well as letters of credit. Continue to find out what you need to know about INCO. What It…